Solutions for Effective and Efficient Business, Programme and Policy Decision-making.

Evidence and advice through smart technologies, innovative thinking, data gathering and rigorous analysis.

Business Analytics

We offer support in collecting and analysis of a wide range of relevant business and market data so as to reliably inform your business decisions and improve performance.

Training and Advice

We provide training and advice on survey methods necessary to generate quality data, as well as the statistical and econometric approaches required to rigorously analyse data.

Programme Support

We can help you with design and implementation of both small and largescale public policy and international development programmes and projects effectively.

What we Do

We supply business solutions, evidence and advice across all sectors of the economies of Horn of Africa region

Investment Opportunities

Somalia offers real investment opportunities as the country becomes more stable and rebuilds its economy with a context of vibrant and dynamic private sector.

Capacity Building

As a legacy of conflict and political insecurity, Somalia currently lacks reliable macro and socio-economic data, making evidence-based policy difficult in terms of proper planning …

Business Performance

Major determinants of firm-level profitability include characteristics of the industry in which the firm competes, firm’s position relative to its competitors … 

The Vision

Our vision is to be a leading supplier of business solutions.

We consider our role as working in partnership with industry, investors, policymakers and international development partners to identify and understand challenges they face. Further, we can then develop sustainable solutions for them through innovative thinking, data gathering and rigorous analysis.

Bespoke services

Our consultants can provide bespoke technical support within your programme or project through tailored consultancy services including external secondments and placements as well as professional coaching and mentoring.

Experts Working with

The Goal

To our clients, we aim to provide high-quality services

  • Support business clients based on reliable data and information on markets for input and output, enabling them to improve performance and grow their businesses.
  • Advise investors on potential opportunities and risks to investments in agriculture and the wider economy.
  • Support public policymaking, including donors and implementing partners of international development programmes in their effort to develop and implement effective interventions.
  • Support technical capacity building in data collection and analysis in both the public and private sectors.

“The phenomenal technical support provided by ASH team has helped our client make informed decisions based on reliable data. Thanks ASH Team.”

Mohamed Mao, Mao|Marketing

“ASH is providing real solutions to both business and government clients, utilising innovative thinking and solid research expertise across different sectors”.

Dr. Hussein Haji, CEO SATG Filsan

Contact Us

A leading consultancy firm providing agricultural and analytical services to agriculture and food industry and policymakers in the Horn of Africa

00 252 63 3221141

Mansoor area, Jigjiga Yar, Hargeisa.

Zoobe Area, Mogadishu.

08:00-18:30 Saturday-Thursday